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Paranormal Investigation Taster Event.

Leicester Guildhall

About Paranormal Investigation Taster Event.

Paranormal Investigation Taster Event – Guildhall Leicester

Join us on this unique Paranormal investigation taster event.

Guildhall Taster Event. Join Haunted Heritage for an unforgettable evening of ghost hunting for beginners. A full-speed, hands-on, eerie experience at Leicester Guildhall

Walk the same pathways as the spirits that linger, and witness first hand the subtle signs of their presence – from inexplicable cold spots to eerie whispers in the night. Experience the shivers that ripple down your spine as you uncover stories of apparitions and unexplained phenomena that still haunt these walls.

You have seen the TV shows: Now turn yourself from the armchair ghost hunter to the real thing! https://hauntedheritage.co.uk/product/leicester-belgrave-hall/


Belgrave Hall


Paranormal Investigation Taster Event.

Leicester Guildhall, Guildhall Lane

Upcoming Events at Paranormal Investigation Taster Event.

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